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CBC Strategic plan

CBC: Valued & Connected Vision:

CBC is committed to valuing its community by connecting employees, students, and the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

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History & Rationale

In September 2020, the Assessment & Planning Committee (APC) was charged by President Terry Kimbrow with the creation a new Strategic Plan for our college. With changing student demographics, emerging models of higher education, and the challenges facing our school, a new path forward needed to be explored. The APC quickly decided to take a different approach to this plan by leading the effort towards an employee-led plan. The purpose of this was to create “buy-in.” A strategic plan is most successful when it identifies strategies that every employee can support through assessment and planning in his or her own department or office. In order to discover the strategies that would contribute to the success of our school, the APC began the monumental task of talking to every CBC employee. Who better, it was decided, to know more about what our school has been and what it should be, than the people who work here? The APC also sought to hold focus groups with students, and to meet with members of the Board of Trustees. Conversations with employees began in October of 2020. An attempt was made to talk to every single person who works here. Rather quickly, these meetings moved to the Zoom format. Several committee members participated in each conversation. Some employees attended more than one conversation. Groups of employees were divided by type (senior faculty, senior staff, etc.) and then by office or department. The APC also met with the President and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, and two different student groups. These conversations were hard. A burden of change was felt by every member of the APC. Most employees expressed they were happy to be listened to, but they were not hopeful much good would come from a new strategic plan. Still, they were honest and forthright; many held nothing back. The APC felt very strongly that our role was simply to listen. We heard a lot of nostalgic hopefulness, and concerns about the future. Employees are frustrated, but they are also extremely committed to CBC’s mission and to CBC students. Patterns, or central themes, quickly emerged. The APC identified six main concerns that every employee group mentioned. The following Strategic Plan Outline is based on those six main themes. Many of these themes have a historical feel to them, as they are based on things our college has done well in the past. We believe it is time to revamp and repackage them for today’s college student, while also remaining true to our central mission of spreading the word of Christ to each and every student who sets foot on this campus. Model for Strategic Plan The college has long used the model below to structure strategic planning.

Model for Strategic Plan

The college has long used the model below to structure strategic planning.

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Central Baptist College adheres to the beliefs and values of the Baptist Missionary Association of America doctrinal statement.


Central Baptist College is committed to transforming lives through education that integrates Christian faith and academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment.

The following purposes were established to achieve the institution’s mission:

  1. To create an environment that fosters understanding, appreciation and love for God’s word.

  2. To create a campus community that supports students and faculty in the acquisition of knowledge.

  3. To create excellent programs of study that challenge students and provide practical experience in the chosen discipline.

  4. To create an understanding among faculty and students of the need for lifelong learning.

  5. To create opportunities for spiritual growth and service to God.


Objectives are an uncompromising commitment to achieve specific measurable, observable, or demonstrable results that exceed the present capability. The objectives below were adopted in February 2015.


  1. Students will excel in an appropriate course of academic study.

  2. Students will grow in Christian maturity each year.

  3. Students will be equipped for a life of productivity and service.


Strategies are bold resolutions that dedicate the organization’s resources and energies toward the continuous creation of systems to achieve the extraordinary as expressed in the mission.


Five strategies are presented below (two themes were combined into one strategy since they are closely linked). These strategies also seek to align and support the President’s 5-year goals for this institution:

  1. Continue to increase our academic program offerings to meet the ever-changing demands of students. This includes the launch of a graduate degree program.

  2. Increase awareness of CBC by broadening the geographic footprint of both student recruitment and fundraising efforts.

  3. Expansion of our athletic facilities, including securing land for new athletic fields.

  4. Grow enrollment through an increase in our new student population and improved retention of current students.

  5. Development of long-term plan of financial stability for the institution.

Strategy 1: Recruit & Retain

CBC must recruit students, faculty & staff, but it must also focus on retaining those groups after recruiting.


Strategy 2: Improve Student Life

CBC must provide a robust student life for students and create a CBC experience that is unique to our mission and includes all student groups.

Strategy 3: Integrate Spiritual Life

In order to maintain our mission of transforming lives, CBC must integrate spiritual life into all aspects of student and academic life.


Strategy 4: Foster Belonging

CBC must find a way to help all students to feel at home while they are a student at CBC. 


Strategy 5: Building Trust

We must seek to understand the level of broken trust between employees, administration, and students, so that trust can be rebuilt anew.

Action Plans


After the APC identified the five strategies, the ELT asked members of the committee to form employee subcommittees for the purpose of creating action plans. As an “employee-led” Strategic Plan, it was fitting that employees continue to be involved in the process. These Action Plan committees began working in November 2021 and the plans were presented to all employees during Assessment Day on April 14, 2022. It is expected that every department and office will create its own Action Plan to support the central strategies of the campus Strategic Plan. The APC will further this process by working with departments, offices, and individuals, and by offering professional development in the areas of planning and assessment.


The following action plans and steps were proposed by the APC in May 2022. These plans were presented to the ELT by the chair of the APC after listening to feedback from all employees on Assessment Day 2022.

Click here to read the entire Strategic Plan: 

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