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The Education Department’s purpose is to prepare students for careers in the field of teaching. The Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program exists within the Education Department.


The vision of the Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program is to develop professional educators who will leave a lasting legacy in the lives of students.


The mission of the Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program is to provide courses and clinical experiences that will promote the development of professional educators who:

  • Possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to impact student learning.

  • Are committed to life-long learning as a means of preparation for teaching in an ever-changing, diverse world.

  • Recognize that leadership in the field of education is consistent with service to students, families, fellow educators, and the community as a whole.


Candidates in the Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program are expected to demonstrate that they are:

  • Life-long learners.

  • Engaging all learners.

  • Guided by professional ideals.

  • Assessors of student learning.

  • Committed to diversity.

  • Yielded to service.



The Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP),  This accreditation status is effective for the period Spring 2018 to Spring 2025.  


Accreditation includes initial-level teacher preparation programs offered at the main CBC campus in Conway, Arkansas.  These programs are elementary education, middle level education, secondary social studies, secondary English language arts, and K-12 health and physical education. Accreditation does not include individual education courses offered to K-12 educators for professional development, re-licensure, or other purposes.


National accreditation by CAEP is earned by demonstrating excellence in each of the following areas: 1) content and pedagogical knowledge; 2) clinical partnerships and practice; 3) candidate quality, recruitment, and selectivity; 4) program impact; and 5) provider quality assurance, continuous improvement, and capacity.


Degrees Offered

The Education Department offers Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) degrees in Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Level Education (4-8; choose 2 content areas of concentration), Secondary English-Language Arts Education (7-12), Secondary Social Studies Education (7-12), Health & Physical Education (K-12) and newly added K-12 Vocal & Instrumental Music (which will seek CAEP accreditation in 2025).


BSE programs in Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, Secondary English-Language Arts Education, Secondary Social Studies Education, Health & Physical Education and Vocal & Instrumental Music are Arkansas Department of Education-approved teacher licensure programs. The CBC Teacher Education Program is authorized by the Arkansas Department of Education to admit students and recommend program completers for state licensure.


Program Admission

Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program is required for all students wishing to complete a teacher education degree program and be recommended for licensure in a teaching field. This is generally done during a student’s sophomore or junior year of study. Entry into the program is a preliminary screening process that ensures prospective candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for becoming a teacher. Admission is required prior to a student enrolling in upper-division professional courses, and is a prerequisite for some content courses, as well.


The standards for admission into the CBC Teacher Education Program are:

  • Minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA. (Transfer students must include all course work accepted by CBC for credit from other institutions they have attended.  Transfer students must also have a 2.7 GPA on a minimum of 12 credit hours at CBC.)

  • Successful completion of a minimum of 45 credit hours, with a minimum of 12 credit hours completed at CBC.

  • ACT scores that meet or exceed 19 in Math and Reading, as well as 6 in Writing. Equivalent Accuplacer scores may be accepted.

  • Grades of ‘C’ or higher in ENG 1300, ENG 1301, MTH 1303, and SPH 2300.

  • Grades of ‘C’ or higher in EDU 1310 and EDU 1230.

  • Submission of 3 recommendations from CBC faculty (including one from advisor and/or EDU 1310 instructor).

  • Written clearance from Student Services office.

  • Submission of CBC Teacher Education Program application, including required essay, dispositions self-assessment, FERPA release form, and Enumerated Offenses statement.

  • Approved Arkansas State Police, FBI, and Child Maltreatment Central Registry background checks.


More information regarding the CBC Teacher Education Program is available in the Catalog or by contacting the Education Department Chair.


Program Quality

The Central Baptist College Teacher Education Program is committed to providing evidence of program quality to our stakeholders and the general public. The links below open PDF documents, which provide information regarding state educator licensure assessment pass rates, survey results, graduate placement and retention, and other relevant data. Please note that the data are not reported publicly when group size is small enough to allow for identification of individual candidates or completers.


  • ​EPP by the Numbers (Initial)

    • The education program at Central Baptist College is a relatively young program spanning its 9th year in 2021-22. We continue to grow each year and have recently added two new programs K-12 Vocal and Instrumental Music​

  • Completer Impact on K-12 Student Learning - CAEP Measure 1

    • The impact of program completers (graduates) on their students’ learning and development is measured with a Completer Impact Case Study that completer volunteers compile and submit to the program. More information about this measure of program quality is available by contacting the Education Department Chair.

  • Completer Effectiveness - CAEP Measure 1

    • Program completers who obtain positions as teachers of record in Arkansas public schools are asked to submit annual ratings from Teacher Excellence and Support System supervisor evaluations from Years 1, 2, and 3 to the program for program improvement purposes.

  • Employer Satisfaction and Stakeholder Involvement - CAEP Measure 2

    • Principals supervising one or more program completers who are in Years 1, 2, and 3 of teaching are surveyed each spring to determine their levels of satisfaction with the program.

  • Graduation, Licensure, and Employment Rates - CAEP Measure 4

    • The CBC Teacher Education Program tracks candidates from admission to the program to program exit. Program completers are tracked with regard to rates of Arkansas educator licensure and employment.

  • Licensure Assessment (Praxis) Summary Pass Rates - CAEP Measure 3

    • Each year completer licensure assessment (Praxis) summary pass rate data is reported to the U.S. Department of Education as a requirement of Title II of the Higher Education Act.​

  • Arkansas Required Foundation of Reading

    • Elementary candidates pursue proficiency in Foundations of Reading, while all other degrees pursue an awareness pathway.​


Delena Gammill Crop.jpg

Dr. Delena Thompson

Education Department Chair/

Professor of Education

(501) 205-8909

Cooper Complex  ED101


Melissa Starkey

Associate Professor

of Education

(501) 205-8793

Cooper Complex  ED 102


Carolyn Weaver

Assistant Professor

of Education

(501) 205-8835

Cooper Complex  ED

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