2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.

Business Office
The Business Office provides information of cost, billing, payment or payment plans.
Also, student payroll, financial aid refund checks, on campus job or federal work study checks, or load money to your One Card for on-campus purchases.
The Physical Plant Department falls under the college's Finance division to maintain a beautiful, functional campus that enhances student learning and spiritual development.
Transportation Request
If you are approved to drive a CBC vehicle please submit a request to Lyle Middleton, Athletic Director by email, lmiddleton@cbc.edu.
Your request is subject to the availability of vehicles and is not guranteed.

Refund Checks
Federal aid is applied to your account and if there is any excess aid you will be notified and the refund will be mailed or available for pickup.
99% of our students receive some level of CBC
scholarships, state grants and/or federal aid!
We are committed to the value of a Central Baptist College education and we look forward to helping you make that a reality.
Traditional Student Cost
Incoming high school and transfer student tuition and base fees.
Tuition: $605 per credit hour
Base Fees: $765 per semester*
Room & Board: $4,250 per semester - double occupancy
Private Room: $5,000 per semester - if available
Sample Semester (Living on Campus)
5 courses x 3 credit hours each = 15 credit hours
15 credit hours x $605 tuition = $9,075 tuition total
Base fees = $765*
Estimated book expense = $300
Room & Board = $4,250​
(ON-CAMPUS) = $14,390
(OFF-CAMPUS) = $10,140
Not including additional fees - See additional fees for details
Tuition: $660 per credit hour
Base Fees: $765 per semester*
Room & Board: $4,250 per semester - double occupancy
Private Room: $5,000 per semester - if available
Sample Semester (Living on Campus)
5 courses x 3 credit hours each = 15 credit hours
15 credit hours x $660 tuition = $9,900 tuition total
Base fees = $765
Estimated book expense = $300
Room & Board = $4,250
(ON-CAMPUS) = $15,215
(OFF-CAMPUS) = $10,965
Not including additional fees - See additional fees for details
*Traditional Student Fees & Books
Required base fees, included in above total estimated cost applied to accounts with more than 5 credit hours per semester.
Supports campus-wide wireless internet access, general access to computer labs, hardware, software, campus network, and technical support for campus computers.
Supports student media services including the campus newspaper, yearbook and the CBC radio station without individual charge.
Supports the acquisition of databases, books and other materials for the library.
Supports student ID’s, handbooks, career services, student activities including intramurals Chapel, the student health clinic, counseling services, & free admission to CBC sporting events.
PACE Cost (Nontraditional Program)
No base fees. Only individual Course fees for Science Lab
($60 per course), Bowling & Golf ($40 per course)
Tuition: $545 per credit hour
$15 Graduation Fee
Sample Semester
4 courses x 3 credit hours each = 12 credit hours
12 credit hours x $545 tuition = $6,540 tuition total
Estimated book expense = $300
Rent & save up to 80%. Or buy (new or used) or e-books
Tuition: $600 per credit hour
$15 Graduation Fee​
Sample Semester
4 courses x 3 credit hours each = 12 credit hours
12 credit hours x $600 tuition = $7,200 tuition total
Estimated book expense = $300
Rent & save up to 80%. Or buy (new or used) or e-books
Non - Degree Seeking Cost
Summer & Winter Term
Tuition: $445 per credit hour for Summer Term
$445 per credit hour for Winter Term
No Base Fees
Does not include per course fees & books
Rent & save up to 80%. Or buy (new or used) or e-books
High School Concurrent
Tuition: $100 per credit hour
Does not include per course fees & books
Home School students consult your admissions counselor for current year cost.
Concurrent Partner high school students consult your high school counselor for current course fees.
Rent & save up to 80%. Or buy (new or used) or e-books
Human Resource Exam Prep Course
Course Cost: $1,399
CBC does not administer this course. All questions should be directed to the University of Arkansas Professional and Workforce Development Department.
+Learn More
Billing & Payment
Check your Campus Anyware Student Account prior to each semester's payment deadline for your current student account bill. You are responsible to pay your remaining balance after your financial aid is applied.
In addition, payment or payment arrangements are required before you can move into on-campus housing and attend class.
Choose one of the following way to pay your remaining balance.
Refund Policies
Course Withdrawal information you need to know for traditional & nontraditional programs.
Traditional student refunds for unused tuition apply only to students withdrawing from school.
There is no refund for any fees charged. Tuition for a traditional term will be refunded on a percentage basis as follows:
75% refund if withdrawal occurs by the 2nd Friday of class.
50% refund if withdrawal occurs by the 4th Friday of class.
No refunds are given after the 4th Friday of class.
Students taking courses in the summer sessions may receive a refund of 50% tuition if they withdraw on or before the 3rd day of class.
PACE (nontraditional program) Full tuition refunds will be made only if the student completes the withdrawal process from the course prior to the registration deadline for the course.
The registration deadline is 10 business days prior to the start date of the course. After the registration deadline, the student will receive 50% tuition refund if they withdraw from the course. No refunds are given after the start of the second class meeting.
Business Office Staff
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday
Summer Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday (May 8th – July 28th)
Fridays 8:00 am - 3:00 pm