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Borde and Howard Receive 2017 Greatest Contribution Awards
May 15, 2017

During commencement on May 6, 2017, Central Baptist College presented two Greatest Contribution Awards. Pranay Borde received the traditional graduate award and Sgt. First Class James H. Howard received the Professional Adult College Education (PACE) graduate award. The traditional student Greatest Contribution Award is given by vote of the administration, faculty, and staff, to a graduate who is deemed to have enriched the lives of students and employees spiritually, academically, socially, and personally and has demonstrated his or her love for CBC by giving unselfishly of personal energy, time, talent and effort.
Pranay Borde graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Bible. During his time at CBC, Borde was involved as a leader in the Student Orientation Staff, been active on the Journalism staff, been a part of the CBC Choir, served as President and Vice President of the Rotaract Club, and in between everything going on at CBC has remained active in a local church, serving middle school youth. The PACE Greatest Contribution Award recognizes a student who has had the greatest positive impact on Central Baptist College during his or her tenure in the non-traditional program. This person has enriched the lives of students and faculty and demonstrated a love for CBC by giving unselfishly of personal time, energy and talent.
Sgt First Class James H. Howard enrolled in the PACE and Online program in the spring of 2014. Sgt Howard graduated summa cum laude, with a perfect grade point average, having earned his Bachelor of Science in Adult Education and Training. For his efforts, he has been awarded a full-tuition scholarship to graduate school. Sgt Howard has been a leader in military service, serving two combat tours of duty. He serves his constituents as the current president of the Enlisted Association of the Arkansas National Guard. For the benefit of our school, he has served as a logistics liaison between CBC and the Army National Guard 233rd Regiment, Regional Training Institute. He has really gone above and beyond. He has promoted Central Baptist College and its non-traditional programs. Most importantly, he has been a helper and encourager to his classmates, helping them to stay the course and finish their degree alongside him, said CBC PACE and Online Studies Director, Chad Linn. Bob Lepine, Senior Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of FamilyLife and Co-Host of FamilyLife Today, FamilyLife's nationally syndicated program, delivered the commencement addresses.