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Central Baptist College Honors Ten in White Coat Ceremony
November 16, 2016

On Tuesday, November 15, the Central Baptist College Math and Science Department honored ten students at the 6th Annual White Coat Ceremony. Hannah Bowen, Tatum Gombard, Cole Johnson, Beth Jones, Makaye Key, Blake Pittman, Casey Slayton, Abby Staton, Sabrina Torres, and Whitney Wade were all recognized for their outstanding academic achievements. Each student completed rigorous academic requirements set forth by the Math and Science Department and were approved as a recipient for their white coat. Future plans for these students include medical school and nursing school. Each student is currently taking the necessary steps in the application process to continue their education in their chosen fields of interest. For more information on these degree programs, visit www.cbc.edu/academics or call our Admissions office at 501-329-6873 to talk to an Admissions Counselor. Photo ID from left to right: Front row: Makaye Key, Whitney Wade, Hannah Bowen, Sabrina Torres, Tatum Gombard Back row: Blake Pittman, Abby Staton, Beth Jones, Casey Slayton, Cole Johnson