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Dr. Martin Jameson

Assistant Professor of Bible

I was born to Ernest and Floise Jameson in Prescott, AR. I have an older brother, Larry. My parents are deceased.

My wife, Jennifer, and I have been married for 43 years. We have three children. Our two older children are married, and we have nine grandchildren. I have been in the ministry for 46 years and have pastored seven churches in four states. Also, I have served as the Moderator of the BMA of AR for two terms and as Vice-President of the BMA of America for one term.

I have ministered in 26 states and Puerto Rico, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and Tanzania.

I was the President of the Minister’s Association at CBC for two years. I was the Vice-President of the student body. I was the Vice-President of the student body at Baptist Missionary Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, TX. I received CBC’s Outstanding Graduate Award in 1981 and the Outstanding Alumni Award in 1991. I am in my tenth year as an instructor at CBC and in 2018, received the Outstanding Faculty Award.

Doctor of Ministry, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX

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