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 In Support of Hope

A person's education can change more than just their life – it can vastly impact their parents, siblings, and children as well.


Education has the power to foster generational change for an entire family, catalyze others to make changes in their lives, and serves to give men and women tools which make them more confident parents, employees, and citizens.


YOU HAVE THE POWER to give the gift of higher education to men and women who would not otherwise have that opportunity.


The In Support of Hope Circle comes alongside men and women to help them develop specific tools for success:


  • Professional Dress

  • Interview Skills

  • Prayer

  • Bible Study


This provides the emotional and financial support they need to continue on towards graduation. Become part of the TRANSFORMATIONAL life change that takes place through higher education!


 Membership Support

  • Tuition Scholarships  for new and continuing students

    • **NOTE: Scholarships will be awarded by the CBC Scholarship Committee based on the financial need of each student. Available federal, state, military, and other aid will be taken into consideration.

  • Clothing Stipends to prepare students for job interviews.

  • Spiritual Life Supplies such as Bibles and Bible study materials.

  • Annual Events to include recognition for current PACE students and Scholarship Recipients.


Our Goal: $261,550



Join the In Search of Hope Circle

In Search of Hope Circle Events

In Search of Hope Scholarship

In Search of Hope Advocacy Group




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