2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.
Photo ID Submission Process
As soon as your registration is confirmed through the Registrar’s Office please complete the following steps.
Photo for Campus ID Requirements:
Your photo must be a clear image of you (not blurry, grainy, or fuzzy) against a plain, light-colored background.
The photo must be a head and shoulders shot of you—and only you or it will be rejected.
You must use a portrait, not landscape, photo that is correctly oriented.
You must be facing the camera.
You cannot wear dark glasses.
Format and Size
You, must upload a JPG image file.
Maximum file size is 5 MB.
If you scan your photo, the resulting file must print as a 2″ x 2″ image or larger.
The photo must be at least 640 x 480 pixels.
If you have scanned your photo, crop the image to show only your head and shoulders.
Please e-mail photo to Chris Mitchell, Dean of Students, and include your full name and middle initial to ensure the correct ID is completed.
*Your campus ID will be mailed to you once it is processed.
**You will need this photo ID before you begin class. If you do not have an ID before your first
Orientation Class for the Conway or Camp Robinson location please contact Chris Mitchell or your Orientation instructor.